Recap Template πŸ“

The Recap Template follows the outline of the popular STAR method which serves as the standard for most behavioral interviews. Here’s a breakdown of the template fields, as well as some suggestions for how to get the most out of each section.

Situation or Task 🌧️

Purpose: Give enough context that you or your manager can understand your actions and the goal you were working toward. However, the point is to be concise so try to avoid giving so much information that the necessary context becomes unclear.

Suggested Format: A short paragraph or a bulleted list will work fine. Brevity is key here, so be sure to keep it to a few of the most important details.

Questions to Answer:

Action β˜€οΈ

Purpose: Clearly articulate the actions you took. The actions your team took are typically irrelevant here, since a performance review or an interview should be focused on you.

Suggested Format: A bulleted list is probably best here. This format helps keep each action distinct and makes it easier to scan for important details.

Questions to Answer:

Result 🌈

Purpose: Demonstrate the impact of your actions. It’s crucial here to link the results back to the relevant metric or goal wherever possible. If measuring the outcome is impossible, be sure to link your results to specific points on your career ladder.